My name is Alex, I'm an educator/sound maker/interdisciplinary artist from Austin, TX. While I'm based in Texas, I am currently traveling to every state in the US with my partner, and am so excited to be making this project Hello, from Somewhere! along the way.
HFS is a monthly postcard series I am making, building, writing as we travel. Each month, subscribers to the HFS series will get mailed a handmade interactive postcard that centers around a theme and place- real, imagined, or augmented!
Solve the riddle on the postcard, and you'll unlock access to a hidden website with a special soundscape, a newsletter, and puzzles and activities all made by me! Travel the US with me, meet new people from the comfort of your mailbox, and be immersed in new places and environments with field recordings and sound adventures!
Some examples so far:
Vol.1: Hello from Arkanssourri
Or, "How To" featuring:
"Calendula Salve"- A soundscape on medicinal folk art from local healer "Aunt Linda" in Northeast Arkansas
"How To" Madlibs
Escape from the Parking Lot Logic Puzzle
Vol. 2: Greetings from the Great Lakes
Or, "First Impressions" featuring:
"Cody's Dreamhouse"- A sonic reflection of dreamhouses in Illinois and Michigan
Kiss the Dogs Logic Puzzle
An "Oregon Trail" inspired Great Lakes journey!
Vol.3: The Thinning Veil
Or, "Being a Tourist" featuring:
"Cathedral"- a sonic tour and reflection on Religion in the Antebellum South.
A Haunted Ghost Story!
Digital Tarot Pull Activity
Florida Water Recipe
Hello, from Somewhere is perfect for those who love snail mail, cracking codes and puzzles, sharing tender moments with strangers, and creating and growing with friends all over the US!
Subscriptions are pay what you can starting at $3 which is roughly the cost of its creation and postage. Consider this an experiment, consider this a way of exploring the US on new terms, consider this an adult Highlights! But please consider subscribing! But please consider heading to my Patreon today to sign up!